Hot Tea Hot Tea

A cup of tea is nothing but an infusion of hot water and tea leaves but it’s in interplay of the correct water temperature, amount of tea leaves used and the steeping time that set the taste right. Following the right direction can make an ordinary tea and taste wonderful while faltering on the brewing process can ruin the taste of an expensive tea.


Water:  Purified and spring water are ideal for tea as they are free from pollutants or other substances that may alter the taste of the drink. However, freshly drawn cold water can be used for preparing tea. Natural minerals enhance the flavor of tea hence it’s important not to boil the water excessively as that may reduce the oxygen content. For this reason, distilled water is never used to make tea because it leaves the tea tasting flat.


Temperature:  Each type of tea needs to be prepared at a certain temperature to unlock it’s true flavor for e.g. Green tea requires a cooler temperature than that of Black Tea to wring out the perfect taste. Since over boiling eliminates a lot of natural minerals and oxygen, it’s imperative to gently boil the water and leave the temperature just right where little water bubbles appear at the surface especially in case of Black Tea.


Duration: Similar to water temperature, different kinds of tea need to brewed for different lengths of time. Generally, delicate teas such as green tea need to be brewed for shorter times, while heartier black teas and earth teas benefit from longer infusions. Of course, the duration of the infusion varies with culture and personal preference.


White 2-3 tsps 3 minutes 176° - 185° F (80° - 85° C)
Japanese (Steamed) 1-2 tsps 1-2 minutes 158° - 176° F (70° - 80° C)
Chinese (Pan Fired) 2 tsps 2-3 minutes 176° - 185° F (80° - 85° C)
Light (Green) 2-3 tsps 2-3 minutes 185° - 203° F (85° - 95° C)
Heavy (Dark) 2-3 tsps  3 minutes  203° F (95° C) 
Broken Leaf 1-2 tsps   2-3 minutes 203° (95° C) 
Full Leaf 1-2 tsps  3-5 minutes   203° (95° C)
Pu-erh (fermented) 1-2 tsps   3 minutes 212° F (100° C)  
Tisanes/herbal  1-2 tsps 3 minutes  212° F (100° C) 
A cup of tea is nothing but an infusion of hot water and tea leaves but it’s in interplay of the correct water temperature, amount of tea leaves used and the steeping time that set the taste right. Following the right direction can make an ordinary tea and taste wonderful while faltering on the brewing process can ruin the taste of an expensive tea.


Water:  Purified and spring water are ideal for tea as they are free from pollutants or other substances that may alter the taste of the drink. However, freshly drawn cold water can be used for preparing tea. Natural minerals enhance the flavor of tea hence it’s important not to boil the water excessively as that may reduce the oxygen content. For this reason, distilled water is never used to make tea because it leaves the tea tasting flat.


Temperature:  Each type of tea needs to be prepared at a certain temperature to unlock it’s true flavor for e.g. Green tea requires a cooler temperature than that of Black Tea to wring out the perfect taste. Since over boiling eliminates a lot of natural minerals and oxygen, it’s imperative to gently boil the water and leave the temperature just right where little water bubbles appear at the surface especially in case of Black Tea.


Duration: Similar to water temperature, different kinds of tea need to brewed for different lengths of time. Generally, delicate teas such as green tea need to be brewed for shorter times, while heartier black teas and earth teas benefit from longer infusions. Of course, the duration of the infusion varies with culture and personal preference.


White 2-3 tsps 3 minutes 176° - 185° F (80° - 85° C)
Japanese (Steamed) 1-2 tsps 1-2 minutes 158° - 176° F (70° - 80° C)
Chinese (Pan Fired) 2 tsps 2-3 minutes 176° - 185° F (80° - 85° C)
Light (Green) 2-3 tsps 2-3 minutes 185° - 203° F (85° - 95° C)
Heavy (Dark) 2-3 tsps  3 minutes  203° F (95° C) 
Broken Leaf 1-2 tsps   2-3 minutes 203° (95° C) 
Full Leaf 1-2 tsps  3-5 minutes   203° (95° C)
Pu-erh (fermented) 1-2 tsps   3 minutes 212° F (100° C)  
Tisanes/herbal  1-2 tsps 3 minutes  212° F (100° C) 
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